Bienvenida la locura, que se sienta bien el sufrimiento, que lluevan cantaros de palabras complicadas, que se inunden los jardines del ocaso… que venga la palabra, abridle paso.
Am painfully shy
Have seen lots falling stars
Love languages. At some point in my life spoke fluent Italian, and was able to communicate in French
Open the fridge constantly even though am not really hungry
Have cried myself to sleep
Have cried watching some movies
A hopeless romantic
Believe in true love, although cannot say I’ve experienced it yet
Think am Bi-polar or something similar because I go from misanthropist stages in which I just want to be left alone to euphoric moments in which I think I am going to write the next NY times best seller or I am going to conduct some kind of research that will be a breakthrough in the humanities etc etc… most if not all of my art and poems have been
produced in these two stages
often hurt the feelings of those around me when at my misanthropist depressive stage, specially my mom’s
Am a master procrastinator
Am a historian by trade
Am a poet and photographer by passion
Love arts
Used to make fun of artsy people
Barely passed art class when in high school
Love music
Have dreads
Most of the time I feel lonely like if I were alone in the universe
Believe an angel is coming to rescue me from all of this madness and hold my hand and take me to a place, which I ‘ve dreamed of before
Don’t like to have a lot of things
Wear a lot of dark colours, esp. black grey and blue… no reason behind it…
Think I have been destined to do great things
Often dream of performing great deeds for humanity
Have a lot of déjà vu moments
Have a lot of fucked up dreams and visions
Always have the same hallucination when I am running a high fever black and white critters fighting in my body which I see as the bed itself.. with my head being the headboard thing
Love to sleep often times when I am depressed I use it as an escape
Live in a fantasy world
Would like to make a documentary one day
Don’t like to explain why I do most things
Feel that even if I explained most people would not get it so why bother
Am a loner
Have solo dinners at restaurants with books I am currently reading
Have been to bars/clubs by myself
Fall too easily for people, which always end up being not worth the time and effort so I end up getting my heart broken
Am a Pisces and when I feel trapped tend to run away
Love to cuddle
Never made love
Like to watch movies by myself
Am very very impatient
And feel as if I am in a state of eternal waiting ( the angel thing I said before)
Am Afro-Hispanic although tend to highlight more my African ancestry rather than my Hispanic one
Am fascinated by the Rastafari way of life ( slowly getting there)
Believe if I have only one mission in life that would be to burst bubbles
Fall in love with songs that talk about things that I have not lived but would like to
Want to wander around the world
Most of the time I censor my thoughts and do not always say what I am thinking
Spend most of my waking hours daydreaming, my imagination is always flying
Act out situations or Say things in my mind before I actually say them/do them
Overanalyze everyone and everything
Am a big neurotic
Worry too much for little things
At social settings I just shut down when I feel uncomfortable
Am way too self-conscious
Have a fear of rejection
Grew up fast so sometimes I can act very mature or in a not so mature way
Am always the youngest one wherever I am at
Look older than I am
I like to stare when I like someone
I like to watch people interact
Am a very quiet person
Am a very disorganized person
Am fascinated with British English/accents
Spend way too much time sitting in front of the computer
Have more virtual friends than real ones
Will add more as time goes by…